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He spends a lot of time working out and he’s working hard at keeping out of trouble. I’ve been talking to him and he’s doing okay. It turns out he had a Bench Warrant from a similar incident that took place four years ago and officials decided it was time to pay the piper. He’s doing 40 days in a Las Vegas jail after a night of partying brought him to the attention of the police. “As some of you may know, Ty Roderick has found himself in a bit of trouble.

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As Str8UpGayPorn is reporting, “Roderick violated probation by being arrested last month on a domestic battery charge in Las Vegas-and he was on probation in the first place for a prior domestic battery charge.”Ī GoFundMe page, Ty Roderick’s Starting Over Fund, was established, looking towards his future by his female friends who are happy to forgive his past.

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